Islamabad: Ex al Qaeda chief, Osama bin Laden resorted to viagra and hair dye in his desperation to cling on to his youth to keep up with his three wives.

Osama resorted to a natural viagra of Avena syrup and Just for Men hair dye in an attempt to hold on to his youth, before he was killed in a raid at his hideout in Abbottabad, The Daily Mail reports.


He was living with three women, one whom was 26 years younger than him. “I don`t understand why people take only one wife. If you take four wives, you live like a groom” was his belief, according to TIME magazine.

Even though the Muslim extremist lived an austere lifestyle in the fortified and undecorated house, he appears to have let his vanity get the better of him. Avena syrup, a natural aphrodisiac made from a variety of wild oats, was one of several medications found in his compound. Also found in bin Laden`s bathroom was ‘Just for Men’ hair dye, which the 54-year-old used to hold off his encroaching grey hairs, as the terrorist leader had reportedly started to go grey during his years of exile in Afghanistan and Pakistan.