Beijing: US and Chinese officials are ironing out a deal to secure American asylum for a blind Chinese legal activist who fled house arrest, with an agreement likely before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives this week, a US rights campaigner said on Monday.
Bob Fu of the Texas-based rights group ChinaAid said that China and the US want to reach agreement on the fate of Chen Guangcheng before the annual high-level talks with Hillary and other US officials begin in Beijing on Thursday. "The Chinese top leaders are deliberating a decision to be made very soon, maybe in the next 24 to 48 hours," Fu said, citing a source close to the US and Chinese governments. Both sides are "eager to solve this issue”.
"It really depends on China`s willingness to facilitate Chen`s exit," he said.
Chen, a well-known dissident who angered authorities in rural China by exposing forced abortions, made a surprise escape from house arrest a week ago into what activists say is the protection of US diplomats in Beijing, posing a delicate diplomatic crisis for both governments.
The US embassy declined comment on Monday either on Chen`s situation or talks involving Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell.
Both want the annual talks, known as the strategic and economic dialogue, to provide ballast to a relationship that is often rocky and to provide ways of working out disputes on trade, Taiwan, Syria, Iran and North Korea. If Chen is willing to leave China, Washington can ill afford to turn him away.
Hillary and other senior officials have repeatedly raised his case in meetings with Chinese officials. President Barack Obama is already under fire from Republicans over a case in which an aide to a senior Chinese leader entered the US Consulate in Chendgu but then left, turning himself over to Chinese investigators.
For Beijing, the issue is sensitive because Chen enjoys broad sympathy among the Chinese public for persevering in his activism despite being blind and despite repeated reprisals from local officials. And though Beijing dislikes bargaining with Washington over human rights, allowing Chen to go abroad would remove an irritant in relations with Washington. It would also prevent him from becoming a bargaining chip in an already bumpy transition of power under way from President Hu Jintao`s administration to a younger group of leaders.
Fu said he offered to help Chen leave China through "a sort of underground railroad" shortly after he made a daring nighttime escape from his heavily guarded farmhouse on April 22. Fu had made such arrangements previously, helping the wife and two young children of another dissident lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, flee to the US after they`d exited China overland from Beijing to Thailand.
But Fu said that Chen refused the offer and chose instead to go to Beijing. Despite Chen`s initial resistance to exile, Fu said it might be the only option.
"My sense is that at the end of the day, after China is willing to facilitate it in a face-saving way with the US, he and his family may have to choose to travel to the US in whatever way that China agrees," he said. Chen is widely admired by rights activists in China who last year publicised his case among ordinary Chinese and encouraged them to go to Dongshigu village and break the security cordon. Even Hollywood actor Christian Bale tried to visit, but was roughed up by locals paid to keep outsiders away
A self-taught lawyer blinded by fever in infancy, Chen served four years in prison on what activists say were trumped-up charges after exposing forced abortions and sterilizations in his and surrounding villages. Since his release in September 2010, local officials confined him to his home. Amnesty International and other human rights groups say he was abused over the last 18 months.
Bureau Report