Canberra: If Australia sells uranium to India, it should sell to Pakistan as well, Pakistan`s High Commissioner Abdul Malik Abdullah here told ABC Radio Monday.

On Sunday, Australian Labor government voted to overturn ban on uranium sales to India at the Labor`s national conference which Prime Minister Julia Gillard said would boost trade and enhance Australia`s relationship with India. Abdullah claimed that Australia should sell uranium to Pakistan as well, as India has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), reported Xinhua.


"Now if after the ALP`s (Australian Labor Party) decision, if the Australian government is going to change the policy, all we would like to have is an equitable and non-discriminatory decision," he said.

"If Australia is going to lift the ban on a country which has not signed a non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, it is hoped it is also applied to Pakistan the same way." Currently Pakistan has not made any request for uranium from Australia yet, but Abdullah said this may change in the future.