Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Lokayukta on Thursday cancelled appointments to Assistant Grade-II posts in Kerala University in 2007, citing irregularities in the conduct of examinations and interview.
In its order, Upa Lokayukta G Sasidharan ordered cancellation of the rank list for the post held in 2007. Many candidates who got low marks in the examinations found top places in the rank list after interview, he observed. The Upa Lokayukta also recommended legal action against the then Vice Chancellor of the University MK Ramachandran Nair, Pro-VC V Jayaprakash, syndicate members PS Rajeev, AA Rasheed, KA Andrew and MP Russell in the case.
The order will affect around 150 employees who got the postings and had been working in the University for the last four years. About 40,000 candidates had appeared for the examination to the post.
A similar order by the Upa Lokayukta in 2008 was set aside by the High Court which had asked the former to hear the version of the selected candidates also before pronouncing an order. Today`s order comes after hearing the version of candidates who got appointed. The petition before the Lokayukta was filed by Sujith S Kurup, a leader of Kerala Students Union, student wing of the Congress. He said the Lokayukta order would help the case against the postings pending in the High Court.
The case in the High Court was filed by an applicant Anup S Nair, a candidate in the examinations who could not find a place in the rank list now scrapped by the Lok Ayukta.