Washington: Good news for those who are still sentimental about their typewriters. Nearly obsolete typewriters can now be upgraded into modern-day equipment by including a USB portal which will enable the clatter-making machines to be used on a computer, laptop or tablet, including an iPad.
For those who have not yet joined the computer age, preferring the clatter and ding of their inky typewriters, it might be the perfect solution, the Daily Mail reported.
The upgraded typewriters, which start at 445 pounds (about $720), can still be used the way it was intended -- with keys hitting the paper through an inky ribbon. As the original computer keyboard was based on the typewriter, nearly all of the keys are the same, allowing writers to type away and see their work on screen.
The makers, usbtypewriter.com built in a Control, Alt and Backspace keys onto the typewriter. The Enter button, which places the cursor on a new line, works in the same way by using the Carriage Return.
Conversion kits are also on sale for around 50 pounds, which transforms old typewriters so that they can be used in the same way on modern computers.
It is the latest in a long line of technology that upgrades `old-fashioned` and `retro` devices so that they can be used with computers.
Bureau Report