London: British intelligence on Syrian troop movements is playing a major role in helping the country’s rebel groups in their fight against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, it has emerged.
According to an official, intelligence on troop movements is being passed from British authorities’ Cyprus bases to the rebel troops of the Free Syrian Army through Turkey. “British intelligence is observing things closely from Cyprus. It`s very useful because they find out a great deal,” the official told The Sunday Times.
“The British are giving the information to the Turks and the Americans and we are getting it from the Turks,” he added.
The official said that most valuable intelligence till date has been regarding the movements of troops loyal to Assad towards Aleppo city, which is partly controlled by rebels, the Daily Mail reports.
According to the paper, the UK has two sovereign military bases in Cyprus at Dhekelia and Akrotiri. They draw intelligence from the airwaves for GCHQ, Britain``s listening post in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
According to the paper, the official said rebel forces in Aleppo had also received US satellite imagery, which the Turks had passed on from the CIA.