Mumbai: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday opposed the bail plea of Kashinath Tapuriah, aide of Hasan Ali Khan arrested for alleged money laundering, contending that he is sufficiently influential due to his political connections.

Tapuriah had approached the Bombay High Court seeking bail on the ground that he has been implicated in the case and that there is no evidence against him.
Additional solicitor general Darius Khambata, arguing for ED, claimed that there are chances of Tapuriah absconding if released on bail. "Tapuriah was the one who had helped Hasan Ali Khan in acquiring passports on the basis of forged documents in 1998 and 1999," he said. Tapuriah`s counsel Ashok Mundargi argued that it is not ED`s case that Tapuriah holds various bank accounts abroad or that he received proceeds of crime.
"Prosecution`s case is not that he is beneficiary of alleged crime. His role, if at all, is attributed post committal of crime where he advised transfer of money from one bank account to another," argued Mundargi. Relying on ED`s case, Mundargi further contended that the investigating agency has nowhere said that money came to Tapuriah`s account.
Justice R P Sondur Baldota will pass order on the bail plea on December 9.