New Delhi: Apple launched the iPhone 15 on September 12 at an Apple Wonderlust Event 2023. As usual, the pros and cons of the smartphone are the talk of the town. Recently, on social media sites, there have been reports about the overheating of the iPhone 15. While the iPhone 15 is in the hands of users, others are excited to know about what the next iPhone. 


The early leak about the next-generation iPhone started appearing online. And due to the rumors the California-based tech titan is back in the news. (Also Read: Confirmed! OnePlus' First FOLDABLE Smartphone Launch Date, Name Unveiled - Check Pics)

Apple iPhone 16 Pro: Leak About Zoom Lenses

One such leak is claiming the upgradation of zoom lenses. According to recent reports, the next iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max are believed to include tetraprism zoom lenses, enabling them to take photos with a 5X optical magnification. (Also Read: Oppo Find N3 Flip Launched In India: Check Price, Specifications, And More)

Apple iPhone 16 Pro: Leak About Processor

The newest iPhone Pro models will reportedly support the 5G Advanced network, according to a leak from Jeff Pu that has recently appeared. The Qualcomm Snapdragon X75 modem will help to facilitate this even further.

The forthcoming iPhone 16 Pro series is likely to include the Snapdragon X75 modem, according to Pu, who recently made these comments in a research note with investment company Haitong International Securities, according to MacRumors.

According to reports, this model is anticipated to link smartphones to the quicker and more advanced 5G Advanced network. The leak also states that the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus would include an X70 modem.