New Delhi: A shocking KYC scam has left a 57-year-old senior technical officer from DRDO in Pune devastated. Cybercriminals duped him of Rs 13 lakh. The scammers disguised themselves as bank representatives. They tricked him through a WhatsApp message claiming an urgent need for a KYC update. This led to unauthorized withdrawal from his account.


The victim was deceived into downloading a malicious file, unknowingly giving the scammers remote access to his smartphone. This gave the scammers access to his bank account. The incident began in November when the victim received a WhatsApp message that appeared genuine, as per the FIR filed at Yerawada police station.

The sender claimed to be a representative of a public bank sector and informed him that his KYC details were overdue and needed immediate updating. The scammer even shared an attachment and instructed the victim to download it. Believing the message to be legitimate, the techie compiled and unknowingly fell into the trap.

The file he downloaded was laced with malware that gave the fraudsters remote access to his device. Shortly after that he received a couple of OTPs on his phone for transactions he hadn’t initiated. He ignored the threat and was unaware of the threat. Meanwhile, the scammers used the malware to access his banking app and carry out unauthorized transactions, stealing Rs 12.95 lakh from his account.

Tips to Stay Safe from Cyber Fraud

- Avoid Unknown Links: Never click on links or download files from unfamiliar sources, especially if they claim urgency.

- Verify Messages: Always confirm the authenticity of messages or emails by contacting your bank directly before acting.

- Stay Alert with OTPs: Pay close attention to one-time passwords (OTPs), even if you’re not making a transaction.

- Use Antivirus Software: Install trusted antivirus software to detect and block malicious apps.