New Delhi: Realme C33 is set to launch today at 12 Pm. The latest smartphone will be available on Flipkart for purchase. Realme C33 will have 50 MP AI camera with highest pixel performance, 5000 mAh massive battery, and ultra-slim body. It will come in three colour models – Aqua Blue, Night sea, & Sandy Gold. The smartphone price will be revealed at the launch.


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Realme C33 will cost at Rs. Rs 8,999 for the variant with 3GB RAM plus 32GB inbuilt storage. First sale will come on 12th September at 12 Pm.

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Realme C33 specs and other details

Terming it as ‘Naye Zamane Ka Entertainment’, Realme C33 offers 50 MP AI Camera with highest pixel performance-in-segment with multiple photography modes. Besides, it has CHDR Algorithm clearer backlit photos.

The smartphone has 5000 mAh massive battery for longer use at a single charge. It has ultra saving mode and be kept up to 37 days in standby.

Its right-angle bezel and unicover design makes the back of the phone look like a boundless sea. Focusing on the body design, Realme C33 is ultra slim & weight only 187g. Its body provides ergonomic feel and comfortable. The smartphone will feature a sleek and slim design with 6.5-inch HD+ display.