Mumbai: 'Kundali Bhagya' actor Sanjay Gagnani recalled his last meeting with late actor Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi, who succumbed to a heart attack here on Friday. In a conversation with IANS, Sanjay said: "I couldn't digest it for quite some time when I first saw the news on social media. To confirm it, I called up Sapna Thakur, who is my very close friend and Siddhaanth's fellow actor from his previous show, 'Kyun Rishton Mein Katti Batti'."


Continuing his story, he said: "I was completely shocked and numb when she confirmed the news. I had bumped into Siddhaanth at a juice parlour ten days back where he looked absolutely fit and fine, and then suddenly I see the news where it said he is no more."

He concluded by expressing his shock: "I'm just numb and want to pray for his family, and may his soul rest in peace. He was not just a good actor, but came across as a great human being too."