Zee Telugu, a leading General Entertainment Channel in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is adding to its diverse content offerings by curating its latest fiction show based in the backdrop of Vijayawada district. Bring out the actor in you and showcase your talent as Zee Telugu's auditions come to the city of Vijayawada and Guntur on the 30th and 31st of March 2019 respectively


Zee Telugu's in-the-making fiction show attempts to capture the nuances of the local region through their attire and dialect, therefore, the filming of the show will take place in the Vijayawada district. The show is setting out to discover the most deserving acting talent, both male and female, for various roles across all age groups, with auditions that will be held across Vijayawada and Guntur.

So, if you think you have a tremendous zeal for acting, if you are passionate enough to battle all the odds and showcase your true calibre, then take up this opportunity to show us what you have got! Participate and set the stage on fire as Zee Telugu announces the Vijayawada and Guntur auditions for its latest fiction show.

Zee Telugu and Zee Cinemalu along with 7 other channels are available at Rs. 20 + taxes on Zee Prime Pack. Also, Sun Direct users can avail Zee Telugu at Rs. 22.42 including GST and Zee Cinemalu at Rs. 11.80 including GST respectively.