Bangalore, Aug 30: Hit hard by allegations of match-fixing in cricket, which has put the game to disrepute in the country, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has embarked on an ambitious plan to give a facelift to the organisation as well as the game by retaining professionals. These professionals, who would be “result-oriented”, would function from the Board Headquarters, Mumbai. The Board has appointed the Chennai-based Human Resources Consultants India Private Limited to identify these professionals, Board sources said. The BCCI is looking for six experts, including three executives, who would not only look after international tours, but also coordinate domestic programmes, besides being responsible for the management of umpiring. It is also looking for a cricket analyst who would be responsible for the development of an application software and analyse information on cricket. The analyst will have to collects statistics on various domestic and international matches and prepare various analytical reports. He will have to coordinate with various associations and the Board. Besides, a professional for managing administration and commercial activities of the organisation, the Board has also called for professional media persons who will need to take up the image-building activity, besides coordinating with the media. — UNI