New Delhi: A clash broke out between two groups at Ghaziabad’s Mahagun Mascot society on Thursday (September 29) afternoon. According to the media reports the conflict erupted after a dispute arose as the previous RWA, elected in 2018, contested the legitimacy of the current RWA.


A video of the clash went viral on social media in which two groups are seen fighting at the entry gate of the society and one of the men is seen hitting others with a belt while some other men are seen using sticks.

Clash in Ghaziabad's Mahagun Mascot society 

According to The Indian Express report,  an RWA member claims, “The previous RWA, after alleging irregularities in the election, was threatening the security agency that they would get them replaced. Today, they came with goons… Residents came and a fight happened.”  

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However, another RWA member alleged, “There are issues in the new RWA as some members contested election without clearing their maintenance dues,” reported The Indian Express.