New Delhi: West Bengal BJP leader Rajib Banerjee returned to the TMC on Sunday (October 31, 2021) during a rally in Tripura. He officially joined the party during TMC's national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee rally in Agartala at around 2pm.


Rajib said he "repents" joining the BJP ahead of the state assembly elections despite being asked by the West Bengal chief minister not to leave TMC.  "I am sorry and repentant now. I will work under the leadership of Mamata Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee," he was quoted as saying by PTI.

The former minister in the Mamata Banerjee's government, was named BJP's national executive committee member and he unsuccessfully fought the assembly polls from Domjur in Howrah district. He lost to TMC’s Kalyan Ghosh by more than 42,000 votes.

"I realised that I cannot accept the politics of hatred and divisive ideology propagated by BJP. I cannot accept the anti-people policies of the BJP. I had often aired my opinions to the BJP leadership and criticised the personal attack and slander on Mamata Banerjee but no one listened," he said, as per a report by PTI.

Notably, Rajib was absent from BJP events after the election results were announced on May 2, and he often criticised the BJP leadership publicly. 

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