New Delhi: Ahead of the United State's Independence Day, President Joe Biden on Tuesday (May 4, 2021) set a goal to give COVID-19 vaccine shots to over 70 per cent of the adult Americans by July 4.


"Two months from today — two months from today, families across the country are going to celebrate the Fourth of July. Our goal by July 4th is to have 70 per cent of adult Americans with at least one shot and 160 million Americans fully vaccinated," said Biden.

The US started vaccinating American adults from April 19, two weeks earlier than the May 1 deadline announced by Biden.

The newly elected US president said that he had promised to administer 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in his first 100 days at the office, but his administration shattered that mark with over 220 million shots in arms.

Biden informed that almost 150 million Americans have gotten at least one shot so far, while over 105 million people are fully vaccinated.  

"Among our most vulnerable population — seniors — we are nearing 85 per cent of those who have gotten their first shot. Seventy per cent of the seniors are now fully vaccinated," he stated.

Joe Biden said that the coronavirus cases are now down in 40 states in the past two weeks. 

"Deaths are down dramatically since January — down over 80 per cent among seniors, which includes a drop among Hispanics of 80 per cent and among African Americans of 70 per cent of seniors," he said.

The United States, notably, is the worst coronavirus-hit country in the world with over 3.2 crore infections and 5,78,407 COVID-19 related deaths.