NEW DELHI: Actress Kangana Ranaut, who has been shooting for her upcoming action-revenge drama 'Dhaakad' in Madhya Pradesh's Betul, said she has been given police cover as protests were carried out against her to disrupt the shooting of her film in the city. The three-time national award winner, who has been quite vocal and has regularly been making headlines for her views over farmers protests on Twitter, accused Congress workers of disrupting her shoot and assembling near the film set. 


On February 12, the actress took to Twitter to share her disappointment as she wrote, "Police protection has been increased around me as @INCIndia workers in MP carried out a protest to stop my shoot. Congress MLA’s are saying they are protesting on behalf of farmers, which farmers gave them such a power of attorney why can’t they protest for themselves?"

"Police protection has been increased around me as @INCIndia workers in MP carried out a protest to stop my shoot. Congress MLA’s are saying they are protesting on behalf of farmers, which farmers gave them such a power of attorney why can’t they protest for themselves?" she wrote in another tweet. 

As per PTI report, the Madhya Pradesh on Friday used sprayed water on Congress workers who were protesting against the actress near her film set in Betul. Police had deployed heavy security in Sarni area after local Congress leaders threatened two days ago that they would not allow Kangana to shoot if she did not apologize, by Friday evening, over her tweets against the farmers protesting at Delhi borders.


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Over 100 protesters gathered near gate numbers 2 and 4 of the coal handling plant of a power station, near where the shooting of the film 'Dhaakad' was going on, on Friday evening, said PTI. The police dispersed the protesters from the spot using water jets from fire brigade vehicles. 

The shooting of 'Dhaakad', where Kangana is playing Agent Agni, is expected to be wrapped up by February 17.


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As per the PTI report, Madhya Pradesh Congress Sewa Dal secretary Manoj Arya and Chicholi Block Congress Committee president had on Wednesday submitted a memorandum to a tehsildar in Betul. They had threatened that they would not allow Kangana to shoot at Sarni if she did not apologize by Friday evening over her comments against the ongoing farmers' protest on Delhi borders. The Congress leaders alleged that the actress had maligned farmers who are protesting against the Centre's new agri laws. Recently, Twitter had deleted some of her controversial tweets over the farmers` protest. 

Meanwhile, speaking of 'Dhaakad', the film is directed by Razneesh Ghai and is slated for theatrical release on October 1, 2021. The film also features Divya Dutt and Arjun Rampal. While Arjun plays the main antagonist 'Rudraveer', Divya will be seen as 'evil master' Rohini.