Gujarat Titans official Twitter handle left the cricket world confused after they posted a message for star batter Shubman Gill. The tweet said, "It's been a journey to remember. We wish you all the best for your next endeavour, Shubman Gill." The cricketer himself replied to the tweet from his account with a heart emoji and it looked like both parties are bidding farewell to each other. Moments later on Saturday (September 17), GT's handle again tweeted "Twitterverse, Gill will always be a part of our heart. P.S.: It’s not what you think, but we’re loving the theories. Keep it going!"


The two tweets in one day speaking about the future of Shubman Gill's career with Gujarat Titans left the cricket world confused that whether the batter is leaving the franchise or not.

Checkout the confusing tweets from GT's official handle below...

Some fans were not impressed with the Gujarat Titans admin of the Twitter account and slammed the account saying that they did this for attention. However, some also fans also kept their cool and wrote that Gill is going to play county cricket and GT wished him for that new journey.

Checkout the angry reactions below...

Shubman Gill had a good IPL season with Gujarat Titans, who were making their debut in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022. In 16 games, Gill scored 483 runs for his side with an impressive strike rate of 132.33 in the IPL 2022 season. In his 74 IPL matches, Gill has a total of 1900 runs with an average of 32.20. The 21-year-old made his IPL debut in 2018 and is just getting better and better every day. There are speculations that the Indian selectors are preparing the young talented batter to open for India in the upcoming ODI World Cup next year alongside Shikhar Dhawan.