Former England captain and commentator Michael Vaughan has been removed from BBC's shows Radio 5 Tuffers and Vaughan show after reports of his involvement in racism issue surfaced two days ago. Former Pakistan pacer Naved-ul-Hasan told ESPNcricinfo that he heard Vaughan make some racial comments. 


Vaughan has denied this allegation but BBC has taken a stance, stating that they need to be impartial till the process comes to an end. 

The report stated that Vaughan allegedly told some Asian players at Yorkshire during his playing days that there were now too many of their kind in the dressing room. 

BBC said through a statement that they have no access to the investigative report but they have come to know of one allegation against Vaughan. 

"The allegation against Michael Vaughan predates his time working for the BBC, we were not part of the investigation conducted by Yorkshire County Cricket Club and we have had no access to the subsequent report. However, we were made aware of a single allegation which Michael strongly denies and we have been monitoring the situation closely,” read the statement released by the BBC. 

The BBC release further stated that in order to maintain the impartiality of the two programs that feature Vaughan, they are taking him off air. 

The statement said, "We have made the editorial decision that Michael won’t appear as a presenter on 5 live’s Tuffer’s and Vaughan show on Monday. The show focuses on topical discussion around current cricketing matters and given his personal involvement, we need to ensure we maintain the impartiality of the programme. We remain in discussion with Michael and his team."

In his reply, Vaughan had said that the allegations have suddenly been made after 10 years and that it took him by surprise.

"That the allegation came completely out of the blue and more than a decade after it was alleged to have happened made it all the more difficult to process. I completely and categorically deny that I ever said those words," said Vaughan.