Looks like the saga between Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela and cricketer Rishabh Pant has finally come to an end, maybe. The duo was recently making headlines after exchanging some heated words on social media after Urvashi's interview in which she said a person named "RP" called her a lot of times and she ignored it. Although, at one point of time nothing from both the celebrities was directed towards the other one until Pant uploaded a story and Urvashi replied with another.


Rishabh Pant countered Urvashi Rautela's statement couple of times on Instagram but nothing was directed towards the actress. She has now finally decided to answer on Pant's controversy with an apology. It will be interesting to see if the India cricketer reacts on the same.

What did Urvashi Rautela say? Checkout the video below...

"All I wanna say is.. What do I say? I don't know what to say. Sorry. I'm sorry," said the actress folding her hands speaking to Instant Bollywood. Urvashi first looked a bit confused when asked to share a message for Rishabh Pant but later she apologised.

After Pant's controversy, Urvashi was again the hot topic of the town after her official Instagram handle posted an edited video of her and Pakistan pacer Naseem Shah. However, Naseem Shah was quick to response on that topic in an interview.

"I don't know who Urvashi is. I only focus on my match. People usually send me videos but I have no idea. I have nothing special in me but I thank people who come to watch cricket and give a lot of respect," said the pacer in an interview.

However, Urvashi has clarified that the edited video of Naseem and her was posted by her team without her knowledge and requested the media not to make any sort of news out of that topic.