Lucknow, June 21: A day after the Centre asked Uttar Pradesh government to halt construction activities inside the Taj Heritage Zone in Agra, chief minister Mayawati today said that she has ordered a probe into the issue and directed stoppage of the work. "Soon after coming to know about the reported construction activities in the Taj Heritage Zone, I directed the chief secretary to conduct an inquiry into the matter and ensure that the work be stopped forthwith," she told reporters here.

The Chief Minister said stern action would be taken against the guilty officials once the report was submitted to her. Mayawati said that she had ordered stoppage of the reported construction activities much before Union Culture Minister Jagmohan intervened in the matter.

The Union Minister, in a letter to the chief minister yesterday had asked her to immediately stop construction activities at Taj Heritage site which was being done without obtaining clearance from the Centre under the Environment Protection Act. The Chief Minister said that she would visit Agra on June 25 but declined to say whether she would go to the Taj Heritage Zone.

Bureau Report