Islamabad, Oct 05: Denying that she pursued a pro-India policy, former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto has said she supported peace and dialogue with all neighbours including India and accused the military regime of "leaving behind" hundreds of young soldiers during the Kargil War.

Under the Musharraf government, Pakistan faces border tensions with India and Afghanistan, whereas peace prevailed with all neighbours during my tenure as prime minister, Bhutto said in an interview to Pakistani daily 'The News'. Bhutto also alleged that the Pakistan army's decision-makers left behind hundreds of young soldiers during the Kargil operations.

Agreeing with the perception that the US policy towards Pakistan has tilted towards President Pervez Musharraf, she however, expressed the belief that the bush administration stood for restoration of democracy in Pakistan. She also expressed concern over the complex situation faced by Pakistan due to mounting threats of internal terrorism.

Referring to the upcoming election, the former premier, who has been barred from contesting the polls, said all indications pointed that the government would "rig" polls. Bureau Report