New Delhi, Sept 20: Apparently unnerved by a fair turnout in the first round of polling in Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan is making desperate attempts to step up infiltration into the state with the alert army soldiers foiling a fresh bid at Dothlian on the Line of Control (LoC) in Baramulla sector early today killing three militants.

Three terrorists were killed in an exchange of fire when army jawans encountered the infiltrators on the LoC, an army spokesman said here. Three AK-47 assault rifles and a huge quantity of ammunition were recovered from the slain terrorists, all Pakistani nationals, he said.

This was the seventh such infiltration bid foiled in the last 20 days by the army who have killed over 75 militants in this period. Senior army commanders said Pakistan, contrary to its assurance by its leaders in international fora, has stepped up infiltration to disturb the election.

Meanwhile, militants' radio intercepts reveal that Pakistani army controllers had chided the militants' ranks in Jammu and Kashmir for having failed to disrupt the first round of polling and have asked them to step up attacks on political activists, candidates, polling stations and electioneering. The militants, according to intercepts, have been telling their controllers in Pakistan that large number of people were defying threats and preparing to participate in elections.

Asserting that troops deployed on the LoC were well poised to thwart any such attempt, army spokesman said, "the continuance and increased infiltration bids negate Pakistani claims that J&K militancy was indigenous." Bureau Report