New Delhi: Domestic traders' body Confederation Of All India Traders (CAIT) on Sunday (April 11) urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to impose night curfew or lockdown amid rising COVID-19 in the country. As an alternative, they asked him to adopt staggered working time for different sectors.


In a communication to PM Modi, the CAIT said it would be more appropriate if alternate measures may be adopted at district levels all over the country.

"Instead of night curfew or lockdown which have not proved a worthy step so far to combat escalation of COVID-19, it would be more appropriate if alternate easy measures may be adopted at district levels and staggered working time for different sectors," it said.

CAIT Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal said that a closer analysis of the COVID-19 statistics over the last one week have made it ample clear that night curfew and lockdown in different states have not brought the desired results of bringing down the cases.


It suggested that working hours of different verticals of trade and commerce should be revised.

"We suggest that government offices, private offices and other all kinds of offices may work from 8 am to 2 pm whereas the markets and shops may be allowed to work from 11 am to 5 pm," it said.

The sudden hike in COVID-19 cases have forced state governments to impose restriction, lockdowns and curfews in affected districts.

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