Ghaziabad: Diwali turned into a night of horror for an elderly couple at Patel Nagar in Ghaziabad. The aged duo were brutally murdered, battered to death in their house, police said on Friday (Novmber 5). The matter came to light when one of their daughters living in Noida called them up repeatedly and finding no response from them, alerted her parent's neighbours, City Superintendent of Police (II) Nipun Agarwal said.


He added that on reaching the couple's residence, the neighbours found its doors ajar with the bodies of 72-year-old medicine dealer Ashok Zaidka and his wife Madhu Zaidka lying in a pool of blood inside the house. The neighbours, in turn, informed the police who rushed to the spot and sent the bodies for post mortem, the SP said. Agarwal said the couple had been battered to death by a blunt object at around 9 pm on Diwali night.

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The ornaments and the cash in the house, however, were found intact in the almirah and clothes were lying scattered in the room, the SP said, adding it prima facie seems that the assailants were searching something in the house and their purpose was not robbery.

Police are working on several angles to unveil the murders mystery, he said, adding even Meerut range IG Praveen Kumar visited the spot.

(With Agency inputs)

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