Mobiles, Facebook, newspapers are flooded with articles on students who have performed well in their class X Board examinations. Good wishes, congratulatory messages are pouring in for these students from every corner.


But question now arises as to how a successful child can be better than a student who can’t understand or write things correctly. In the present scenario, it is really hard to understand how a student who hasn’t scored well can be compared to one who has scored high grades.

Not only in India, but across world it is widely agreed that students who haven’t got good marks have contributed immensely in fields like history, science, research, politics, art and cinema. Even Nobel prize recipients come under this ambit. It seems that problem is with the examination system and not with students who fail to get good marks.

This post is not for students who have scored well in their class X examinations, rather it is for those who are unhappy, depressed after seeing their results.

“CBSE results are out. Many students have performed well while some haven’t got grades as per their expectations. I have my full faith in students who have got less marks in their exams as we are still unaware as to how toppers have contributed to society in past 70 years. I want to congratulate students who haven’t got good marks this time, the country and society have high hopes from them”, says fellow journalist Piyush Babelle.

One should not see board results as a theory nor should think that nothing happens with these marks. Class X and XII examinations shouldn’t be treated as milestones as these are old systems due to which we are not able to check what talent an individual possesses.

Even our government, society, schools have failed to change their thinking. We are still not looking towards countries where kids are not sent to schools till the time they turn 7. In US, students have full freedom to take up courses as per their interest.

Though, we may still blame British rule for many things but we need to understand that they left India many years ago, but schools still remain the same. We never listened to what Gandhi, Buddha, Einstein said rather we pushed our children to follow a particular format. Pressure is such that students are even committing suicide. The need of the hour is that we should stop judging students on the basis of marksheets.

One should keep this in mind, “Students will always reach their destiny, provided we are able to guide them”.

The article has been translated from Dear Zindagi blog to English. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ZMCL. The writer is solely responsible for any claims arising out of the contents of this article.

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