Mumbai: In a bizarre incident, a video of a car swallowed by a sinkhole in Mumbai after the city received heavy rains in the past few days is being widely circulated on social media. The other vehicles parked near the car, including one right next to it, were not affected.


In the clip, a parked car at a residential complex in Mumbai disappeared into a sinkhole within seconds. The incident recorded in Ghatkopar shows the car's bonnet and front wheels enter the sinkhole first. The rear of the car follows and soon the vehicle disappears under the water.


The incident has once again brought to light the poor conditions of roads in Mumbai and the city municipality — Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), is under severe backlash. Earlier, videos of people falling in manholes had surfaced.

Meanwhile, the BMC has refused to take responsibility for the incident claiming that the incident took place in private society.

Intermittent rains in the city has inundated several areas in the city like Bandra east, Hindmata, King's Circle, Kurla Kamani and Wadala. The daily routine of people has been upended as streets and railway tracks are waterlogged. BEST buses had to divert several routes due to waterlogging at some points.

On the other hand, the Met department has issued an 'orange alert' predicting heavy to very heavy rainfall in Mumbai.

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