New Delhi: Controversial celebrity Poonam Pandey, who is currently inside Kangana Ranaut hosted reality show Lock Upp recently made accusations about her husband abusing her and how she suffered a brain haemorrhage due to the beating. Now, her husband Sam Bombay has opened up on all the allegations against him.


Poonam Pandey's husband Sam Bombay in an interview with Times of India confessed to still being in love with his wife. He said, "Not worried at all. Our marriage has been beautiful and I remember only those things. Sometimes, it is just that 10 per cent is not good in a relationship. Unfortunately, everyone wants to focus on that imperfect 10 per cent. I took the saat pheras with her seriously. Whatever Poonam is saying, it's sad, unnecessary and useless. She makes news out of nothing because she loves to be in the news."

On being charged with domestic violence, he said, "Let me tell you that she charged me with molestation and sexual assault on our honeymoon. And, this happened within a week of our marriage. An FIR was lodged. A few days later, she called me back and said that molestation is a big word and she had no idea what molestation is. It is beyond my comprehension how one can be charged with molestation on his honeymoon. Later, she took back the charge. As I said, nobody will believe the man; whatever he says doesn't matter."

"I had never left her. This is a love story. Forgiveness is a part of it. So yeah, we got back together. Even she forgave me. Now, if she's gonna talk like whatever she's saying, I have to do that too. Else you would never get anything bad about my wife from me. I really don't want to play a petty game. If I play a petty game, I too have lots to say," he said.

He also mentioned about him dating other bigger names. "Loyalty is not a big word; it's the basis of any relationship. Without loyalty there is no trust and honesty, and then there's failure. Good guys don't make it. You have to be a bad boy. That's how you survive. Has she ever complained about me cheating with anybody? I have had multiple relationships with celebrities bigger than Poonam. Has anybody accused me of assault? Never. Has Poonam been accused by other men of assault? Yes. So there's a pattern here. And this is what the police told me; I had no idea about this.

I married Poonam because she told me that the avatar she has created for herself, nobody is going to marry her. But again, why is she talking about me in the show? It's because she wants me to know that she's thinking about me. We both bi**h about each other because we are still madly in love with each other."

Poonam Pandey got married to her boyfriend Sam Bombay in a private ceremony in 2020. The couple took to social media and announced their marriage news with pictures in a bridal look.

Soon after the wedding news, she filed a complaint against him saying that he has molested, threatened and assaulted her. The incident reportedly took place in Canacona village in south Goa where Pandey was shooting for a film and later Sam was arrested. 

Sam who was born and brought up in United Arab Emirates Dubai is an ad filmmaker and a producer.