New Delhi: The authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are probing the killing of an Indian fisherman by personnel on board a US naval vessel off Dubai, said External Affairs Minister SM Krishna Tuesday.
"The government in the UAE has already filed the case regarding this incident," Krishna told reporters here, a day after the firing from a US navy ship at a small fishing boat in which an Indian fisherman was killed and three others were wounded Monday off Dubai in the tense waters of the southern Gulf.
US defence officials say the motorboat ignored non-fatal warnings not to approach the refuelling ship USNS Rappahannock, and that sailors on board the American vessel feared it could pose a threat. Krishna said India was collecting details of the incident and "will initiate suitable action".
"We are in touch with the authorities in the UAE and have instructed our ambassador (in the UAE) to take it up with the respective governments." The minister said it is an unfortunate incident and offered "the government`s condolences to the family of the (dead) fisherman".