New Delhi: Encrypted messaging platform Signal is set to launch a new update called ‘Signal usernames’. The new update will offer enhanced privacy options and a new way to connect without revealing your phone number. However, the new update is currently in beta but will be available to all users in the coming weeks. Notably, the Signal still requires a phone number when registering for the app. 


The company has made a statement and said that “People who have your number saved in their phone's contacts will still see your phone number since they already know it". You can now create a unique username that you can use instead (you will still need a phone number to sign up for Signal). 

Furthermore, the company explained that “a username is not the profile name that's displayed in chats, it's not a permanent handle, and not visible to the people you are chatting with in Signal. A username is simply a way to initiate contact on Signal without sharing your phone number". (Also Read: YouTube Rolls Out New Channel Pages On Its TV App For Creators)

"The users can also now enable a new, optional privacy setting. “Unless people have your exact unique username, they won't be able to start a conversation, or even know that you have a Signal account – even if they have your phone number,” said the company.

According to the company, once these features roll out, your phone number will no longer be visible in Signal to anyone running the latest version of Signal who doesn't already have it saved in their phone's contacts.

“We're also introducing a setting that lets you control who can find you by your phone number on Signal,” it added. As last reported, Signal had 40 million active users. (Also Read: Noise Buds N1 True Wireless Earbuds Launched In India at Rs 899; Check Features)

After the new update is released for users, you'll be able to create a unique username and share it by following the steps below.

How to create a username on Signal app

  • Open app settings.
  • Click on “Profile.”
  • Choose “Create Username.”
  • Enter a unique username.
  • Save changes.

If You Want To Share Your Username Then Follow These Steps:

  • Select “Generate QR code” or “Copy Link.”
  • Share QR code or link to direct others to your username.  (With Inputs From IANS)