covid19 india

Mask Up: Where is the mask? Unconscious crowd in the market! Thousands of excuses, strict police to raise awareness Bangla NEWS PT4M15S

Mask Up: কোথায় মাস্ক? বাজারে অসচেতন জনতা! অজুহাত হাজারো, সচেতনতা বাড়াতে কড়া পুলিস | Bangla NEWS

Mask Up: Where is the mask? Unconscious crowd in the market! Thousands of excuses, strict police to raise awareness Bangla NEWS

Jan 4, 2022, 03:10 PM IST
#ApnarRaay: 3rd wave at the door! Corona growing again! Infection has increased by 23% in the country PT46M20S

#ApnarRaay: দুয়ারে ৩য় ঢেউ! আবারও বাড়ছে Corona! দেশে একলাফে ২৩% বেড়েছে সংক্রমংণ

#ApnarRaay: 3rd wave at the door! Corona growing again! Infection has increased by 23% in the country

Jul 15, 2021, 08:10 PM IST
Covid19 India: Warning state before the 3rd wave, Sentinel Survey is starting West Bengal | Coronavirus PT8M17S

Covid19 India: ৩য় ঢেউয়ের আগে সতর্ক রাজ্য, শুরু হচ্ছে সেন্টিনেল সার্ভে | West Bengal | Coronavirus

Covid19 India: Warning state before the 3rd wave, Sentinel Survey is starting West Bengal | Coronavirus

Jul 15, 2021, 02:45 PM IST
#RealHeroesSeason2: For those who have boosted the morale of covid patients, their G24 hour Kurnish PT36M2S

#RealHeroesSeason2: Covid রোগীদের মনোবল বাড়িয়েছেন যাঁরা, তাঁদের জি ২৪ ঘণ্টার কুর্নিশ

#RealHeroesSeason2: For those who have boosted the morale of covid patients, their G24 hour Kurnish

Jul 1, 2021, 11:10 PM IST
#RealHeroesSeason2: For those who have boosted the morale of covid patients, their G24 hour Kurnish PT35M50S

#RealHeroesSeason2: Covid রোগীদের মনোবল বাড়িয়েছেন যাঁরা, তাঁদের জি ২৪ ঘণ্টার কুর্নিশ

#RealHeroesSeason2: For those who have boosted the morale of covid patients, their G24 hour Kurnish

Jul 1, 2021, 11:10 PM IST
After 14 days, Covid warrior mother took the child in her arms for the first time, with tears in her eyes PT3M37S

১৪ দিন পরে সন্তানকে প্রথম কোলে নিল মা, চোখে জল COVID জয়ী মায়ের

After 14 days, Covid warrior mother took the child in her arms for the first time, with tears in her eyes

Jun 8, 2021, 11:15 PM IST