
Watch: Evening Headlines @5:00 pm

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Watch Evening Headlines and the follow up on Zee News Taal Thok Ke: -Government gets cornered on the encryption policy where communication minister had to give clearance on internet freedom. -RSS, Mohan Bhagvat's quota statement causes Mayawati to retaliate. She says the party will stand against such statement. Lallu and Nitish opposes the statements as well. -Somnath Bharati's bail pleas rejection causes him to run away. Police 8 teams are on a search. -PM Modi and Nawaz Sharif will stay in the same hotel of New York. -Terrorist train is being conducted in ISI camps of pakistan. Indian Army alerts over infiltration chances. - Paswan Rejects any kind of tussle between him and Manjhi. He says because of concrete reasons he had left UPA. Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Google Plus:

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