New Delhi: Chinese smartphone maker VIVO has launched its new flagship smartphone Y22 in India. The smartphone will have a 6.55-inch LCD display, MediaTek Helio G70 SoC and 50 MP primary sensor. It comes at a price of Rs 14,499 for the base variant of 4GB RAM and 64GB, while higher variant of 6GB and 128GB storage is yet to be announced in India. It is now available on the official website in metaverse Green and Starlit Blue colour options.


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Customers can avail a discount of Rs 750 on HDFC Bank credit card and debit card transactions. This offer is also available on HDFC Bank EMI transactions. Plus, VIVO also provides an exchange offer to lower the price of the VIVO Y22.

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VIVO Y22 Specification

Built with a stylish design in two colours, the smartphone has a 5000 mAh batterythat lasts longer with AI Power-saving technology. It even takes care your other devices as it has reverse charging feature. Reverse charging is a technological feature that allows device such as smartphone to charge wirelessly other devices like smartphones, smartwatches, etc.

Therefore, it allows to stream HD movie online for 20 hours seamlessly. Moreover, it comes with 8W Fast charge which charges 70% in 82 mins.

As for storage, the smartphone has 64GB/128 GB capacity variants that is expandable upto 1TB with a triple card slot design.

Considering the optics, VIVO Y22 sports a dual camera setup with a 50 MP primary sensor and an 8Mp selfie camera. Besides, it has super night camera to capture the beauty of the night with just one tap through soft light that adapts to every condition. For connectivity, the smartphone has a dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0 GPS, NFC, radio, and OTG support.