
Watch Exclusive Report on Baba's Pakhand

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Baba Pakhand Video: Whose big claims trap people. They run their business by using pain and suffering as a weapon. They make false claims of curing diseases. And by doing this they become the God of thousands and millions of people. Today ZEE NEWS is going to show you the story of some such Babas in this special show. Today in this special show we will show you the story of a very famous Baba whom the world knows as Manu Bhaiya of Shani Dham. Whose breath claims to cure people's years old pain. We will show you what happened when Zee News reached Manu Bhaiya's court.. how much truth is there in the claims made by Manu Bhaiya. After that we will talk about a Baba who has become the God of people by wearing a veil. And at the same time we will also show you such a Baba of UP who along with Tantra Mantra even does operations on people.