KABUL: After days of hectic negotiations and deliberations, the Taliban declared the restoration of their Islamic Emirate and named a new government, excluding other political forces and giving control of internal security to a US-designated terrorist.


The naming of the new caretaker government also came four days before the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks that triggered the US invasion of Afghanistan.

While announcing the new interim government, the Taliban chose one of their founders - Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund - as their head, while Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was named his deputy. The Taliban released the names of the new Afghan PM, two deputies and over 25 cabinet portfolios including the Defence, Foreign, Intel ministries.

The Taliban's new Afghanistan regime will have two deputies with the second one being Abdul Salam Hanafi. Sirajuddin Haqqani, who is the son of the founder of the Haqqani network, was named interior minister. The network is designated as a terrorist organization by the United States. 

While Amir Khan Muttaqi will be the Foreign Minister, Khairullah Khairkhwa will be the Information Minister and Abdul Hakim will be the Minister of Justice in the new Afghan cabinet.

Mullah Yaqoob has been chosen as the Defence Minister, whereas, Sheikh Mawlawi Noorullah Munir will be the Education Minister. The Intel Chief (National Directorate of Security) will be Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq and the new Afghan Army will be led by Qari Fasihuddin. There will be two deputy FMs namely Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai and Zabiullah Mujahid.

Taliban, on behalf of its Supreme Leader (Amir-ul Muminin) Hibatullah Akhundzada, also issued its first statement highlighting the future policies of the new Afghanistan government and said that it will uphold Sharia law, protect human rights and respect international treaties.

Top highlights of the Taliban's first statement on the new Afghan government  


- New Taliban regime will be committed to all international laws and treaties, resolutions and commitments that are not in conflict with Islamic law and the country's national values. 

- Taliban will take serious and effective steps towards protecting human rights, the rights of minorities as well as the rights of the underprivileged groups within the framework of the demands of the sacred religion of Islam.

-Taliban will provide a healthy and safe environment for religious and modern sciences to all countrymen within the framework of Sharia.

-Taliban will work for the freedom, functioning and improvement of the media quality. We consider it our duty to take into account the sacred precepts of Islam, the national interests of the country and impartiality in our broadcasts.

- Under the Taliban's regime, Afghanistan's soil will not be used against the security of any other country. 

-Taliban assures all foreign diplomats, embassies, consulates, humanitarian organizations and investors in the country that they will not face any problem.

-Taliban assured all talented and professional people, scholars, professors, doctors, scientists, engineers and educated cadres, businessmen and investors of Afghanistan that its Government will value them as Afghanistan desperately need them. Also, the Taliban ask people not to leave the country as the Taliban have no problem with anyone.

- Taliban says military vehicles, weapons, ammunition, government buildings, national property and all things related to the public treasury are the trust of this nation. No one is allowed to destroy, waste or take possession of it without permission of the relevant authorities.

- We want to have a peaceful, prosperous, and self-reliant Afghanistan, for which we will strive to eliminate all causes of war and strife in the country, and our countrymen to live in complete security and comfort.

- We want strong and healthy relations with our neighbors and all other countries based on mutual respect and interaction. Our relations with those countries will be based on the highest interests and benefits of Afghanistan. We are committed to all international laws and treaties, resolutions and commitments that are not in conflict with Islamic law and the country's national values. We also call on the countries of the world to value building strong and cordial political, diplomatic and good relations with us and to also cooperate with us

- The Islamic Emirate will take serious and effective steps towards protecting human rights, the rights of minorities as well as the rights of the underprivileged groups within the framework of the demands of the sacred religion of Islam.

- All Afghans, without distinction or exception, will have the right to live with dignity and peace in their own country, their lives, property and honor will be protected. The Islamic Emirate will strive to protect the Islamic rights of every individual and will provide a safe and comfortable environment for them inside their country.

- Education is one of the most important requirements of the country. Our government will have a duty to provide a healthy and safe environment for religious and modern sciences to all countrymen within the framework of Sharia.

- We will pave the way for the country's development in the field of education and build our country with knowledge and understanding.

-We all know that our country has been suffering from war and economic crisis for more than 40years. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will use all its resources for economic strength, prosperity and development on top of strengthening security. It will manage domestic revenue properly and transparently, provide special opportunities for international investment and various sectors of trade, will work to fight unemployment effectively. Our ultimate goal will be to get our country back on its feet as quickly as possible, and efficiently perform reconstruction and rehabilitation work in our war-torn country, God willing.

-The Islamic Emirate wants Afghanistan to develop as soon as possible and to provide the necessary facilities to its people in all walks of life, and to eradicate poverty and unemployment. For this task, we ask for the help and support of all national businessmen, investors and sensible Afghans who can help uplift Afghanistan out of poverty, strengthen our economy, safeguard our national wealth and use our public treasury as fit to serve the nation.

-Media is an important element of the country. We will work for the freedom, functioning and improvement of the media quality. We consider it our duty to take into account the sacred precepts of Islam, the national interests of the country and impartiality in our broadcasts.

- Our message to our neighbors, the region and the world is that Afghanistan's soil will not be used against the security of any other country. We assure all that there is no concern from Afghanistan and we expect from them the same.

- We assure all foreign diplomats, embassies, consulates, humanitarian organizations and investors in the country that they will not face any problem. The Islamic Emirate is doing its best for their complete security and safety. Their presence is need of our country, so they should carry out their work with peace of mind.

- We do not want enmity with anyone. Afghanistan is the common home of all. We will respect all their rights and legitimate aspirations and use their potential to rebuild the country.

- No one should be worried about the future. The Islamic Emirate, on behalf of its people, is aware of all the problems that our people are facing. Our first attempt and priority are to solve all the problems through legitimate and reasonable means. We are confident that the common people will continue supporting the Islamic Emirate as always. The actions of those scholars, tribal elders and elders are commendable who have raised and are raising awareness among the masses.

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