
IAS Success Story: Against All Odds, IAS Officer Preeti Beniwal Overcomes Paralysis, Conquers UPSC Exam

She did not take any coaching for her UPSC preparation and only used study materials from coaching institutes available on YouTube and Telegram.

IAS Success Story: Against All Odds, IAS Officer Preeti Beniwal Overcomes Paralysis, Conquers UPSC Exam IAS Officer Preeti Beniwal

New Delhi: The journey towards success is often veiled by numerous challenges and setbacks, and the saga of IAS Preeti Beniwal's ascent serves as a profound testament to this reality. Her narrative transcends mere inspiration; it serves as a beacon of resilience for those who contemplate relinquishing their aspirations in the face of adversity.

Preeti Beniwal's odyssey is a testament to unwavering resolve and relentless perseverance, a testament that resonates deeply in the hearts of many. Following a harrowing brush with death in a train accident, where she found herself trapped under the wheels, enduring a staggering fourteen surgeries and over a year of bedridden recovery, Preeti's journey could have easily been derailed.

Yet, fueled by an indomitable spirit and an unwavering commitment to her childhood dream of donning the prestigious title of an IAS officer, Preeti refused to succumb to despair. Even amidst the confines of her bed, she steadfastly pursued her UPSC preparations, undeterred by the formidable obstacles that lay in her path. Her relentless dedication bore fruit when she clinched the remarkable achievement of securing AIR 754, a testament to her unparalleled grit and determination.

Remarkably, Preeti's journey was devoid of conventional coaching, relying solely on study materials gleaned from online platforms such as YouTube and Telegram. Her story serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities afforded by the digital age, where access to knowledge transcends physical boundaries.

In imparting wisdom garnered from her own tribulations, Preeti delivers a poignant message to the youth of India, urging them to prioritize life over the transient setbacks of examinations. Her words resonate with profound truth, challenging the notion of exams wielding dominion over one's destiny.

Born to humble beginnings in Karnal district, Haryana, to parents engaged in public service, Preeti's journey is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and determination. Armed with a background in Electrical and Communication Engineering, she navigated through the corridors of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) before embarking on her life-altering journey.

In essence, Preeti Beniwal's narrative transcends the realms of ordinary accomplishment, serving as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless potential that lies within each individual. Her journey stands as a resounding affirmation that amidst the darkest of adversities, the flicker of hope remains eternal, guiding one towards the pinnacle of success.