
Women are not weak in any manner, says Rajya Sabha MP Subhash Chandra

Rajya Sabha MP Subhash Chandra said on Monday men must contribute in empowering women.

Women are not weak in any manner, says Rajya Sabha MP Subhash Chandra

New Delhi: Rajya Sabha MP Subhash Chandra said on Monday that women were not weak but the onus was also on men to contribute to their empowerment.

Inaugurating ABVP's website to give women training in self-defence, he said, "Women are not weak. I have seen how strong women can be in my mother. She used to travel two kilometres to get 40 to 50 litres of water. But she never got bogged down by it."
On the latest initiative by the ABVP, the Rajya Sabha MP said, "It's more important than ever to make women stronger. They need a different training and also special facilities. Earlier, women used to consider themselves as weak as that was what was said all the time. But times have changed. Women need not consider themselves weak in any manner."

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Dr Chandra had a word of advice for men too. "The onus is also on men to contribute to women's empowerment. Especially the youth should come forward in this regard." 
The ABVP has roped in a renowned martial grandmaster to train women in self-defence.