
China hails progress in US trade talks

US President Donald Trump touted the promise as evidence that the two sides were making progress.

China hails progress in US trade talks Image courtesy: Reuters

Washington: China`s trade delegation has said it made "important progress" in the latest round of talks with the US and the two sides had "candid, specific and fruitful" discussions.

A statement released by the Chinese delegation here on Thursday at the end of a two-day meeting said China pledged to purchase an additional five million tonne of US soy beans, Xinhua news agency reported.

US President Donald Trump touted the promise as evidence that the two sides were making progress. At a press conference with Vice Premier Liu He on Thursday, Trump said he hoped to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to hash out a final agreement by the March 1 deadline.

He also said he planned to send US officials to China for another round of talks. "We have made tremendous progress," he said. "That doesn`t mean you`re going to have a deal but there`s a tremendous relationship and a warm feeling."