fuel price

Fuel Price Hike: Even after the century, the price of diesel has gone up again today, the price of petrol has also gone up PT6M26S
#FuelPriceRise: Diesel century in the metropolis, ordinary people suffering from extreme problems, what is everyone saying? PT4M41S

#FuelPriceRise: মহানগরে ডিজেলের সেঞ্চুরি, চরম সমস্যার শিকার সাধারণ মানুষ, কী বলছেন সকলে?

#FuelPriceRise: Diesel century in the metropolis, ordinary people suffering from extreme problems, what is everyone saying?

Oct 28, 2021, 01:45 PM IST
Fuel Price Hike:  today petrol-diesel is rising, the price of other things is also rising, what is the general public saying? PT3M27S

Fuel Price Hike: আজও চড়া পেট্রল-ডিজেল, বাড়ছে অন্যান্য জিনিসের দামও, পকেটে টান, কী বলছেন আমজনতা?

Fuel Price Hike: today petrol-diesel is rising, the price of other things is also rising, what is the general public saying?

Oct 17, 2021, 08:10 PM IST