
Simon Cowell steals mom`s beauty secrets to stay young

Music mogul Simon Cowell tries to slow the ageing process by stealing his mother`s beauty regimes.

London: Music mogul Simon Cowell tries to slow the ageing process by stealing his mother`s beauty regimes.
According to Cowell`s brother Tony, the 52-year-old spends a fortune defying ageing and it is something he learnt from his 86-year-old mother, reported Sun online.
"He takes care of his skin, he doesn`t want to get old. He learnt it from Mum," Tony said. He also said his brother spends a large amount of money on black toilet paper for his mansion as it matches with the decor. "He buys it in bulk because he loves black and white. All his houses are black and white and so the black toilet paper suits the decor," he added. PTI