
Heidi Klum has no qualms about being naked in front of family

Heidi Klum has revealed that being naked in front of her family is not a big deal.

Washington, Dec 04: Heidi Klum has revealed that being naked in front of her family is not a big deal. The stunning model has no problem showing off her fabulous figure in front of her husband Seal and the three children they raise together.
"To see me in wings is nothing too unusual. People are pretty open with their bodies in Germany, and the children see you naked or in lingerie all the time so it’s not a big deal for us," Fox News quoted Klum, as saying at the opening of the ultra-luxe flagship Lexington Street VS Store. "We don’t hide inside a room somewhere and change — it’s all very out in the open," she added. Heidi also revealed she not only has to maintain her slimline figure for work, but also to keep the romance alive in her marriage. "You have to work out to be sexy. People always ask me how I stay in shape and how do I do it, and what really makes me do it is because I have a hot man waiting at home for me," she said. "So I don’t want to be a slouch bag; I have to keep up appearances," she added. ANI