
Meet Adarsh Kant Shukla, One Of The Youngest IPS Officer Who Cracked UPSC At Just 21

Despite facing setbacks in his own ambitions, Adarsh's father, recognizing the importance of education, wholeheartedly supported his son's pursuit of the IPS dream. 

Meet Adarsh Kant Shukla, One Of The Youngest IPS Officer Who Cracked UPSC At Just 21 Adarsh Kant Shukla

New Delhi: Every year, a multitude of aspiring young Indians set their sights on achieving the illustrious goal of joining either the esteemed Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or the revered Indian Police Service (IPS), propelled by lofty ambitions and dreams of making a significant impact. However, they are met with the formidable challenge presented by the extensive and rigorous syllabus of the UPSC exam, renowned as one of the toughest examinations in the country. Amidst these daunting trials, achieving success becomes akin to discovering a rare gem amidst the vast expanse of adversity and challenges.

In this formidable landscape, the story of Adarsh Kant Shukla stands out as a shining testament to unyielding determination and unwavering resolve. Against all odds, Adarsh achieved a remarkable feat by cracking the UPSC exam on his very first attempt at the tender age of 21.

Hailing from humble beginnings in Uttar Pradesh's Barabanki, Adarsh's journey is intertwined with the narrative of his modest roots. Born into a family where financial constraints were a constant reality, Adarsh's father, Radha Kant Shukla, worked tirelessly as an accountant in a private firm, nurturing his own unrealized ambition of serving in the administrative realm. Despite the shadows cast by financial limitations, a resilient spirit burned within him, compelling him to fervently advocate for his son's pursuit of the elusive dream.

Adarsh's academic prowess laid the foundation for his remarkable journey. Graduating with distinction in B.Sc. from National PG College in Lucknow, he adorned his academic achievements with a coveted gold medal in biology. While the ember of becoming an IPS officer had long smoldered within him, it was upon his graduation that the focused trajectory of UPSC preparation truly began to take shape.

Despite grappling with his own unfulfilled dreams, Adarsh's father, recognizing the transformative power of education, stood steadfastly by his son's side, offering unwavering support in his pursuit of the IPS dream.

In the crucible of 2020, Adarsh embarked on the arduous journey of the UPSC Civil Services Examination, facing the daunting challenges with unwavering determination. Ultimately, he emerged triumphant, securing the 149th rank nationwide. His remarkable achievement serves as a guiding light for aspirants, a living testament to the notion that success in the Civil Services Exam is not merely a distant dream, but a tangible reality attainable through resilience, strategic preparation, and unwavering resolve.

Adarsh advocates for a balanced approach to preparing for the Civil Services Exam, advising aspirants against allowing it to consume their entire existence. His journey serves as an inspiring beacon for those traversing the challenging path toward IAS or IPS, underscoring the profound truth that dreams, even amidst financial constraints, can indeed materialize into reality through perseverance, determination, and familial support.