
UPSC Success Story: From Breaking Stones To Breaking Barriers, The Remarkable Journey Of A Laborer Turned UPSC Top Ranker

Meet the laborer who once earned Rs 10 a day breaking stones but defied odds to clear UPSC with flying colors.

UPSC Success Story: From Breaking Stones To Breaking Barriers, The Remarkable Journey Of A Laborer Turned UPSC Top Ranker IAS Ram Bhajan

New Delhi: Every year, the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) administers the highly esteemed UPSC examination, an arduous test that only a select few manage to conquer. Among these aspirants was Ram Bhajan, a remarkable individual who transcended his humble beginnings as a daily wage laborer to pursue the lofty goal of becoming an IAS officer.

Hailing from the quaint village of Bapi in Rajasthan, Ram Bhajan Kumhara's journey embodies the essence of resilience and determination. In the rustic confines of his village, where basic amenities were scarce, Ram Bhajan and his mother eked out a living amidst adversity. Their meager existence lacked even the comfort of a proper dwelling.

Fast forward to the present, and Ram Bhajan has emerged triumphant, securing the 667th rank in the UPSC examination. His saga is one of unparalleled inspiration, a testament to the triumph of the human spirit over seemingly insurmountable odds.

In a candid conversation with Dainik Bhaskar, Ram Bhajan shared poignant details of his past. He reminisced about his days toiling as a daily laborer alongside his mother, tirelessly breaking stones and bearing the weight of their struggles. Despite the grueling nature of their work, they persevered, earning a paltry sum that barely sustained them.

Ram Bhajan's journey took a tragic turn with the demise of his father, a pivotal figure in their modest household. Struck down by asthma during the Covid-19 pandemic, his father's passing plunged the family into deeper despair, exacerbating their financial woes. Forced to resort to manual labor for sustenance, Ram Bhajan refused to succumb to despair.

Despite the adversities stacked against him, Ram Bhajan's indomitable spirit remained unbroken. Fuelled by a fervent desire to transcend his circumstances, he embarked on a relentless pursuit of knowledge. His dedication bore fruit when he secured a position as a constable in the Delhi Police, marking a significant milestone in his journey towards realizing his aspirations.

Undeterred by setbacks, Ram Bhajan continued to pursue his ultimate goal of becoming an IAS officer. With unwavering resolve, he persisted through eight attempts, each one a testament to his unwavering determination. Finally, in 2022, his perseverance paid off as he emerged triumphant, clinching victory in the UPSC examination.

Ram Bhajan's achievement not only elevated him to the esteemed rank of an IAS officer but also lifted his family out of the clutches of poverty. His remarkable journey serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring countless others to dare to dream and strive for greatness against all odds.