
Major tragedy averted, IED found on Srinagar-Baramulla highway defused by security forces

The device was destroyed through a controlled mechanism by a bomb disposal squad, thus averting a major terrorist attack planned by terrorists to target security forces in this area.

Major tragedy averted, IED found on Srinagar-Baramulla highway defused by security forces

SRINAGAR: A major tragedy was averted by the security forces in Kashmir Valley after they detected an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) bomb intended to target a military convoy on the Srinagar-Baramulla highway and defused it.

Officials told Zee News that security forces including Army's 29 RR detected the explosive device lying by the roadside, following which a bomb disposal squad (BDS) was called in. 

The device was destroyed through a controlled mechanism by a bomb disposal squad, thus averting a major terrorist attack planned by terrorists to target security forces in this area.

Officials said that traffic movement which was stopped as a precaution on the highway has also been restored now.