
Brussels airport explosions have Salah Abdeslam connection?

Four days after Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam was arrested in Belgium, two explosions were reported from Brussels Zaventem airport on Tuesday.

Brussels airport explosions have Salah Abdeslam connection?

Brussels: Four days after Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam was arrested in Belgium, two explosions were reported from Brussels Zaventem airport on Tuesday.

Reports say that soon after Salah Abdeslam's arrest, the intelligence officials had warned that he had planned something big in Brussels.

Soon after Abdeslam's arrest, Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders said the Paris atatcks suspect had been planning to "restart something in Brussels".

Two explosions ripped through Brussels airport today during the morning rush hour as hundreds of passengers were trying to check in with authorities saying the blasts caused several injuries.

The Belgium officials are yet to confirm the death toll.

Abdeslam was arrested in the gritty Molenbeek neighbourhood.

Former small-time criminal Abdeslam is believed to be the last surviving member of the 10-man jihadist team that carried out the attacks on the Bataclan concert venue, restaurants, bars and the Stade de France stadium.

Abdeslam, one of the most wanted men in Europe, is suspected of involvement in attacks in Paris as a logistician. These attacks killed 130 people in Paris on November 13, 2015.

Belgian federal prosecutor's office said he was charged with "terrorist murders and participation in the activities of a terrorist group."