
Obama’s strict finess routine!

US President-elect Barack Obama, 47, follows much heavier an exercise routine as compared to most of his predecessors. He says that exercise lets him remain fresh and focused despite a lot of pressure. "The main reason I do it is just to clear my head and relieve me of stress. My blood pressure is pretty low and I tend to be a healthy eater," the Guardian quoted him as telling American fitness magazine Men’s Health.

London, November 07: US President-elect Barack Obama, 47, follows much heavier an exercise routine as compared to most of his predecessors. He says that exercise lets him remain fresh and focused despite a lot of pressure.
"The main reason I do it is just to clear my head and relieve me of stress. My blood pressure is pretty low and I tend to be a healthy eater," the Guardian quoted him as telling American fitness magazine Men’s Health. While former President Bill Clinton used to jog for three miles, the early-rising Obama’s wishes he could get much more time to exercise than he gets presently. "Most of my workouts have to come before my day starts," he said. "There`s always a trade-off between sleep and working out. Usually I get in about 45 minutes, six days a week. I`ll lift (weights) one day, do cardio the next. I wish I was getting a 90-minute workout," he added. The write-up reckons that Obama, at his current pace, will have spent at least another 2,700 minutes in the gym before inauguration day on January 20. Some even believe that the basketball enthusiast Obama may have George Bush`s beloved baseball field on the White House`s south lawn replaced with a basketball court, adds the article. Just as Ronald Reagan liked munching jelly beans, Jimmy Carter peanuts and Bush pretzels, Obama has a favourite snack too. He like a mix of nuts, seeds and raisins, washed down with organic berry tea. His vices include smoked sea-salt caramels in milk chocolate. ANI