
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to have a Hindu wedding next year?

This can be the news of the decade. If sources are to be believed, Hollywood’s most hot stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are going to get married next year in India! Marrying the Hindu way, Brangelina is expected to reiterate the wedding extravaganza of Katy Perry and Russell Brand which the world witnessed in October this year. Reports confirm that Brangelina wedding will be performed by a Siddha Guru.

Spicezee Bureau
New Delhi: This can be the news of the decade. If sources are to be believed, Hollywood’s most hot stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are going to get married next year in India!
Marrying the Hindu way, Brangelina is expected to reiterate the wedding extravaganza of Katy Perry and Russell Brand which the world witnessed in October this year. Hinduism seems to take a sweep over Hollywood, with celebrities pursuing Yoga and marrying the Hindu way or taking up Hinduism. Hindus have welcomed the reports of Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt wedding ceremony being performed by a Siddha Guru. Reports suggest that Jolie and Pitt will marry in the New Year and Guru Ram Lalji Siyag of Bikaner (Rajasthan, India) will perform the ceremony. Siyag is also reportedly helping the couple find inner peace and harmony, thereby strengthening their about five-year relationship by practicing Siddha yoga together. He is said to have given them a ‘mantra’ (a divine word) which they repeatedly chant at the beginning and end of their day and it has positively transformed their relationship. Jolie and Pitt are still to confirm the news about their Hindu marriage though.