
Wilder not to replace LiLo in Linda Lovelace biopic

It seems nothing can deter director Matthew Wilder from casting Lindsay Lohan as the lead in his Linda Lovelace biopic.

London: It seems nothing can deter director Matthew Wilder from casting Lindsay Lohan as the lead in his Linda Lovelace biopic.
The filmmaker hired the ‘Mean Girls’ star to play the troubled porn legend in ‘Inferno’ earlier this year (10), but production on the project was pushed back when LiLo was jailed for breaching her probation over the summer.
Shooting was scheduled to begin in November but filming on the movie has again been stalled after LiLo was ordered to spend the next three months continuing treatment at California`s Betty Ford Clinic. But Wilder has promised to support his leading star as she conquers her demons. "We`re not replacing her with another person," the Daily Express quoted him as telling the New York Daily News. "She’s good and productive and thinking about life beyond (rehab). I think she feels a little cooped up there, but she’s OK," he said. The news would come as a major relief for LiLo who in court documents filed by her probation officer, admitted she "can not afford to continue to pay for the treatment programme and she needs to work". ANI