
Healeo Nutrition Reverses Fatty Liver in over 500 patients Through Its DNA Based Fatty Liver Program

Healeo Nutrition has also been inducted into the exclusive Amazon Launchpad Program and their Liver Forte Supplement has been one of the best-selling Liver Supplements on Amazon. 

Healeo Nutrition Reverses Fatty Liver in over 500 patients Through Its DNA Based Fatty Liver Program

Renowned Nutrigenomics firm Healeo Nutrition, famous for reversing fatty liver through the client’s genetic data has hit a new milestone of reversing fatty liver for over 500 patients across India. The Bangalore-based firm has been in the news for its innovative genetic approach to treating various health conditions such as obesity, fatty liver, IBS, gastritis and many more.

Led by Vineeth V. T. and Rahul M. Pillai, Healeo Nutrition is well known in the wellness fraternity for creating one of the most powerful supplements in India as well as launching India’s first DNA-based Fatty Liver Reversal Program. They are backed by Oman-based Global Group, a multinational conglomerate specializing in the Healthcare Sector.

“Nutrigenomics may be a relatively new science in India which only the elite crowd has access to,” Says Vineeth V. T., Cofounder of Healeo Nutrition, “but it has been around in US, UK and Europe since 2005, offered by companies like 23&Me, Living DNA, and Circle DNA, and are used to formulate diets for Celebrities, Models, and Athletes. There are few firms offering DNA tests in India, but there weren’t any targeted solutions for the client, and they receive complicated overwhelming DNA reports. To interpret and implement it, a team is required, and we wanted to bring this to the common man in India to treat diseases suffered by most of our citizens, where we identified fatty liver as one of the most pressing issues to tackle. For example, if you have a particular variation of the PNPLA3 Gene, which produces adiponutrin, a protein that is essential for breaking down fats in your liver, then the chances are that you have fatty liver and require urgent intervention. Similarly, there are around 25000 Genes in the human body that gives us unique insights into how our mind and body function. This style of precision science that we use is why we were able to achieve this astonishing feat in such a short time.

More than 40% of Indians suffer from Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD) alone. There is a common misconception that liver issues happen to people who consume alcohol only, however, this staggering statistic says otherwise. This is one of the few diseases where the symptoms kick in very late, only when the person starts reaching towards Cirrhosis or Fibrosis stage. Unfortunately, Cirrhosis cannot be reversed and often leads to complete liver failure and death. This silent epidemic has been plaguing the nation for decades, with the unhealthy and sedentary lifestyles of Indians.

Rahul M Pillai, Cofounder of Healeo Nutrition says “Fatty liver is a huge and underrated issue in India. Most of patients suffering from fatty liver do not even know they have the condition unless they reach the last stage, when the symptoms start becoming severe. In India, more than 30% of the population suffers from fatty liver, and out of that 90% of them suffer from this on a chronic basis. Unfortunately, when it reaches the Cirrhosis stage, it is impossible to reverse it, and managing it becomes extremely difficult. Without a major lifestyle intervention, it will lead to liver failure and death. That’s why it is important to take action before it progresses to this stage.

Liver is one of the unique organs in the body that can regenerate itself. Ideally, this should be the last organ to be damaged, however, due to our lifestyle, genes and other environmental factors, it is one of the most commonly affected organs in Indians. We have combined the science of genomics and nutrition to create a regime that will effectively reverse fatty liver and bring it back to its prime stage.”

The program begins with the sample blood collection by the phlebotomist from the client’s home, which is then sent to the genetic labs for DNA Sequencing. Using DNA Microarray technology, a raw DNA report is generated which is then analysed and interpreted by an extensive team of bioinformaticians to prepare a GSA Report with Polygenic Risk Scores.

The Nutrigenomics team at Healeo Nutrition, then use this report to prepare a precision diet and exercise plan for the client, which targets specific areas that the client is suffering from, like Acidity, Gastritis, Chronic Heartburn, Obesity and Fatty Liver. The program is held virtually through their app, where the client can see their meal plans and log in to their diet with a click of a button. The team at Healeo Nutrition closely monitors the daily development of the clients while also providing weekly consultations, unlimited chat and call support, and hand-held supervision throughout the program.

Healeo Nutrition has also been inducted into the exclusive Amazon Launchpad Program and their Liver Forte Supplement has been one of the best-selling Liver Supplements on Amazon. As part of their social initiative, Vineeth and Rahul have also pledged a portion of the revenue from Healeo Nutrition to Cuddles Foundation, an NGO based in Mumbai that treats children suffering from Cancer.

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