
Now get Aakash 2 booking status on e-mail support service

DataWind, maker of Aakash tablet has come with an e-mail support service for the customers to respond all the queries related to the status of their orders.

Zeebiz Bureau
New Delhi: DataWind, maker of Aakash tablet has come with an e-mail support service for the customers to respond all the queries related to the status of their orders.
The e-mail support service is now available on This support is along wth the toll-free number and fill-in the query forms. As per report, Datawind is ready with their new tablet Ubislate 7+ at an expected price of Rs 2999. Unlike Aakash (Ubislate7) which is a student version tab, Ubislate 7+ will be available everywhere and to everyone. The upgraded version of Aakash, Ubislate 7+ tab will be available in the Indian market by last week of January, 2012. Pre-order booking had already started from their website-